How Can Parents Maximise From The Nalanda Learning Advantage?

Nalanda Learning provides a future-proof business model with a proven track
record that will power your preschool to success!


Parents as Educators

A child’s education starts from home. Parents have a key role in shaping up their character. Nalanda Learning’s parent mobile app allows them to participate in a structured educational process and witness their child’s learning and development.

ENRICH Pedagogy

The pedagogy of ENRICH stands on 5 pillars which form the ethos of our philosophy of education


The Five Pillars Of ENRICH Pedagogy

Creating a Circle Of Learning and Scaffolding
Moving From Literacy To Fluency
All-round well-being of a child
Play as Learning, Play as Work
Social Cultural Global View Of Learning

The Goals Of ENRICH


Critical Thinking

To promote independent thinking, personal autonomy and reasoned judgment in thought and action, the emphasis is on developing thinking, not on memorising


Communication & Collaboration

Emphasis on Language Development in an immersive environment so that each child learns to express ideas clearly; Through Guided Group Activities children are groomed to work as teams and learn from their peers


Corporeal Connectivity

To understand abstract concepts through real life experiences and objects-moving from concrete to abstract; to engage in activities that promote fine and gross motor skills




Encouraging students to be unique, the ability to create something new. Creativity is the ultimate objective and places at the top in the Higher Order Thinking Skills


Cultural Consciousness

Growing a mindset of integration and tolerance, developing an aesthetic sense to appreciate all forms of art and culture

Power Your Child With Nalanda Learning