Blog - Nalanda Learning

Nalanda Blog

Academic insights, sector news, government policies and all that you need to know about Early Childhood Education in India

Transforming Foundational Education with Flexible Class Modes

In today’s world, flexibility is crucial, especially in early childhood education. Nalanda Learning, a leader in early childhood care and education (ECCE), recognizes this and offers classes in online, offline, and hybrid modes. This blog explores these class modes, their implementation, necessity, and benefits. Understanding the Different Class Modes Online Classes: Online classes are very […]

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Parents as Partners: Nalanda Learning’s seamless Parent-Teacher communication

In the dynamic landscape of early childhood education, effective communication between parents and teachers is paramount. Recognizing this, Nalanda Learning, a pioneering name in the preschool education domain, has implemented robust systems to foster seamless parent-teacher interactions. In this blog, we delve into the significance of such communication, how Nalanda Learning facilitates it, and the […]

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Physical & Motor Development in a Child

The early childhood years of children offer some of the most exciting yet challenging features that caregivers and parents must negotiate so that the children may attain their full potential and reach fruition. One of the major areas of concern is the physical and motor development of children in these tender years and the need […]

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How Nalanda Learning ENRICH can empower preschools to become NEP2020 compliant

The Government wants to integrate India into the global knowledge economy by ensuring among other things that the educational system is overhauled comprehensively. Towards this end, the more than three decades old National Policy on Education (NPE) formulated in 1986 have been done away with and the National Education Policy (NEP 2020) has been enforced. […]

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Why & how facilitators should encourage Creative Thinking/Development of a child

Among the various life skills that must be embedded in children from an early age, creativity is often singled out as the most important. As a matter of fact, many educators consider creativity to be the core life skill that children should develop, as it has been seen to support academic performance and help in […]

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Role of Education in Early Childhood

The right to education is something that every child should be provided with, a right that should begin from the moment the child is born. The early years of a child’s life (typically the period from birth to 8 years) are marked by a remarkable development of the child’s brain and provide a crucial opportunity […]

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Cognitive Development: How to Start Early

Cognitive Development deals with the ability of the child to think and reason. In a proper preschool environment, most of the activities that the children are exposed to daily, are aimed at ensuring their cognitive development. A simple sing-along is therefore a lot more than herding the little ones to follow route routines, but are […]

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Do Pre-primary teachers have Super Powers?

A day in the Life of a Pre-Primary Teacher Take a roomful of bewildered and scared toddlers who have been forced out of their comfort zones, pried away from their parents and other loved ones as it were. Add that one little crybaby, for whom wailing is but normal, perhaps natural even. And before you […]

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Foundational Literacy and Numeracy – Points to Ponder

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) refers to the “ability of children to read with meaning and solve basic math problems by the end of Class 3”. These are critical gateway skills that form the foundation for children on which they build their lives. This is precisely why augmenting FLN is fast becoming a national mission, […]

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Importance of Spiritual & Moral Development in Children

At Nalanda Learning the maximum amount of stress is accorded on the holistic development of the children. This follows from the underlying principle of Nalanda – that of helping create good human beings as opposed to creating merely good students. As well begun is half done, Nalanda believes that inculcating moral values in the early […]

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Effective Foundational Learning is the Path to Freedom

Nation First, Always First. As the nation prepares to celebrate the 77th Independence Day, it probably is also the right time to remember the future of a generation that would succeed ours. It’s time to remember and ensure universal access to foundational learning. As UNESCO in its 1990 Global Education Monitoring Report so succinctly summarised […]

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The Holy Trinity

New entrepreneurs desirous of entering the preschool space as well as existing players wanting to turn themselves into NEP 2020-compliant institutions are overwhelmingly reposing their faith in the system developed by Nalanda Learning. While on the face of it, it looks simple the thought that has gone into the development of the system and the […]

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Kaizen & the Nalanda way to pre-schooling

Nalanda Learning follows the famous Japanese Kaizen style of teaching learning process where the simple things are broken up into steps of Plan, Do, Check & Act thus helping children learning complex things easily and in a fun manner

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Evolution of the Nalanda Learning System into a provider of holistic preschool Edutech

An Overview Pre-primary education has traditionally been shunned by most established educational institutions as they probably felt that the waters were uncharted. On the other extreme, most entrepreneurs who took the plunge soon realized that they neither had the wherewithal nor the aptitude (read pedagogy suited to this segment of their own or suitable manpower), […]

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Nalanda Learning & the New Education Policy: CBSE to G20

The New Education Policy 2020 is being hailed as a game-changer that will usher in a paradigm shift, especially in the field of early education. However, most experts opine that the transformation of the existing academic institution and the ones rushing in to fill the void and embrace the new system will not be easy. […]

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Investing early in your child’s education

Invest early in your child’s education for long-term gains A wealth of research has unequivocally demonstrated that investment in the early years of education can have long-lasting benefits for children’s cognitive development. For example, children who have been fortified with proper early childhood education are mostly better prepared for the transition to the next stages […]

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Animated Storytelling – the Nalanda Way

Children learn to tell stories from the moment they learn to speak, mostly from others as they hear. They also learn by being exposed to a variety of digital media, television, and particularly from hand-held devices. Even toddlers are seen to be extremely tech-savvy. The increasing desire of children to join in, to address their […]

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First Six Years of a Child’s life are Crucial

The first six years of a child’s life are crucial as it is during this period that a child’s brain develops faster than during any other period of life and the child’s early development sets the course for future evolvements. During these six years, stimuli are proven to positively influence the child’s brain, motor skills, […]

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Together we can, together we will – Tamal Mukherjee

Playschools have been an integral part of the Nalanda family since 2006 when we started our foray into this exciting world. However, in 2010-11, we started expanding and started Little Laureates, once we had the nitty-gritty in place and realized that there is a huge latent demand for quality playschools, especially in the suburbs. The […]

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Nalanda Learning and the New National Education Policy

The New National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is being hailed as a game-changer by experts, and rightly so. However, they are also pointing out, in the same breath, the fact that the policy is only a means to an end, not an end in itself. This is primarily due to two reasons – one, the […]

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Preschools on a short fuse

India has the largest number of adolescents in the world. In time, this “teeming million” will translate into a demographic dividend, opine optimists. But there is only one problem – a large proportion of students currently in elementary school, estimated to be over 5 crores in number, have not attained foundational literacy and numeracy. In […]

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The Nalanda way!

There is a tectonic shift taking place in the preschool education ecosystem following the implementation of the National Education Policy (NEP 2020). Post implementation, many “edupreneurs”, complacent within their comfort zones till the other day have woken up with a jolt, while others are seeing a huge emerging potential, and lured by the perceived promise […]

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Nalanda Learning ENRICH Explained

The philosophy behind the Nalanda Learning Enrich pedagogy has helped hone the curriculum over time. For example, a significant amount of stress has been accorded to providing digital learning resources like animation just as the format of traditional textbooks has also been maintained. This ensures that the pictures that the children see in their textbooks […]

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The Journey of Enrich, prime mover, with the wherewithal to succeed

There was a lot of resistance, especially from the parents when Nalanda had originally introduced the screen-based learning system, unveiling it as the future of preschool education. Parents and guardians were sceptical as to how the children would be able to learn without a teacher physically being present to guide them. We had to organise […]

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Moving from books to activity-based learning for the young learners – Nalanda Learning’s ENRICH

A child does not know the difference between education, learning, and playing. The challenge before educators, especially those engaged in providing children with life lessons in the early stages of their schooling, is to make the process of their learning as exciting and fun to the children as the education being imparted is important. How […]

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Nalanda Learning Enrich – the one-stop solution for all early learning needs

Enrich is an acronym for Enlighten, Nurture, Reinforce, Involve, Counsel, and Highlight – the six sides of a Hexagon that, within it, has the magic key that can help schools to make the transition to a NEP 2020-mandated environment. Created by Nalanda Learning with its rich experience of being a part of the preschool ecosystem […]

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An Edupreneur’s take on Nalanda Assist

Tanushree Das is a mother of two. Having completed her teacher’s training, she wanted to follow a career path that had always appealed to her – that of a teacher. However, with young kids at home, it was impossible for her to take up a full-time job, and just when she resigned herself to her […]

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NEP2020 – The Nalanda Learning Advantage

The National Education Policy (NEP 2020) has been hailed as one that will hugely impact how the nation imparts education to its children. Experts have termed it as visionary, progressive and comprehensive, pointing out that it is based on the ground reality of the country’s education scenario as it accords the highest priority to creativity, […]

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Nalanda Learning ENRICH: Training the Teachers to teach as per NEP2020 requirements

The New Education Policy (NEP 2020), structured on the four pillars of Access, Equity, Quality and Accountability is being hailed as one that will usher in changes that will impact education in ways that were hitherto unthinkable. The new policy with a 5+3+3+4 structure, comprising 12 years of schooling bolstered by 3 years of Anganwadi […]

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The New National Education Policy (NEP) 2020: A brief outline that parents should know

The media is abuzz with discussions about the New National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which is being hailed by most quarters as a revolutionary step forward. Naturally, academic circles that will have to reinvent themselves to fit into the new scheme of things are apprehensive, because people are normally change averse and change of such […]

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National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for foundational stage education of children: Things that you need to know

Your child is about to be three-year-old and you as parents have started looking for a school providing foundational stage education. You must be wondering as to what are the parameters that you should look out for in a school. Let us tell you that you should look for an institution aligned with the New […]

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